Pretend, for just a moment, that there were no outlet malls in Sevier County; There are no amusement parks. If those facts were true, the area would still have one of the largest tourist attractions in the area with the Great Smoky Mountains … [Read more...]
A Guide To The Foothills Parkway
Foothills Parkway is a project that has been in the works since 1944. It was promised to Tennessee as consolation for the Blue Ridge Parkway being located out of state. Originally, a 72-mile scenic corridor was planned that would hug the northern … [Read more...]
Clingmans Dome: What A View!
If you take Highway 441 out of Gatlinburg and head into the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, on the right hand side of the road you'll find a 7-mile spur that runs along the Tennessee-North Carolina border. This serpentine byway, which ducks … [Read more...]
Two Minute Guide To Gatlinburg
Gatlinburg, Tennessee is popular destination for couples and families alike. No matter what time of year you visit, Gatlinburg offers attractions and events to please every member of you family. During warm months, visitors can enjoy outdoor … [Read more...]
7 Family Friendly Hikes Near Gatlinburg
When visiting Gatlinburg, there several choices of entertainment to keep your family and friends occupied for days. One of the greatest attractions is the nearby Great Smoky Mountains National Park, which offers an incredible range of hiking trails … [Read more...]